A storage unit is a great solution when you don’t have enough room in your home to store some of your belongings. Most people will store items like seasonal clothing, decorations, or even outdoor gear that isn’t in use. Regardless of what you may be storing in your self-storage unit, you should take some time to consider what you plan to use to store these items. Are you going to throw them into whatever box you have available, or are you going to consider your options to best keep your items safe and sound?
At Homestead Storage in Greeley, we strive to provide you with a safe and convenient place to store your belongings, whether you need a self-storage unit for just a month while you move or you’re looking for a place that is more long-term. We offer a month-to-month lease, giving you the space you need without a lengthy contract. If you are interested in learning more about what our self-storage units have to offer, then give us a call! In the meantime, continue reading below to learn the benefits of both cardboard and plastic containers for storage.
Cardboard Containers
Cardboard boxes come in a variety of different sizes, making it easy to find the right fit for your belongings. Many people choose cardboard boxes when they are moving because they are a lot more cost-effective, especially if you’re only planning to use the boxes once or twice.
You may be under the impression that any only cardboard box will do, but when it comes to storage, you want to make sure that you are choosing boxes that were not previously used. For example, many large grocery stores will have piles of cardboard boxes available for you to take home if you need them. While this may be more convenient than going to a moving store and buying boxes, it’s best to avoid grocery store boxes for storage, as they are often well used and may contain food particles that can degrade over time.
Plastic Containers
If you’re planning to store your items in a storage unit long-term, then plastic is the best way to go. The benefit of using plastic containers is that they last much longer than cardboard, plus, they are easy to stack on top of each other, even if the container isn’t completely full.
Those who are storing belongings during the winter months may be concerned about mice and other pests finding their way into their self-storage unit. The benefit of using plastic containers is that mice and other pests can’t find their way through the plastic, whereas with cardboard, a mouse will easily be able to chew a hole and crawl inside.
Interested in Learning More?
These are just a few of the pros and cons that you should weigh when deciding what type of bin to use for storing your belongings. At Homestead Self-Storage in Greeley, our helpful and friendly staff is more than happy to answer your questions and assist you in finding the perfect self-storage unit for your needs. Explore our website to learn more about the different sized units and climate-controlled options we have available, and stop by for a visit today!
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